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Create shared knowledge and promote common narrative & language around for-benefits and for-benefit thinking across the fourth sector ecosystem.

Raise Awareness

For stakeholders to engage, they need to first become aware of the fourth sector and the opportunities it presents them.


Once aware and excited, key stakeholders in finance, technology, media, academia, law, marketing and communications, faith communities, and other areas can then advance their piece of the ecosystem in a way that furthers their own interests.


For example, by practicing for-benefit law, lawyers will open themselves to a growing new market. Similarly, other stakeholders have interests that can be advanced through the fourth sector as they contribute to building its ecosystem.

Enhance Knowledge

Advance Policy

Raise Awareness

Connect Stakeholders

Educate & Train

Mobilize Resources

Raising Awarenss

Initiatives Raising Awareness on the 4SG Platform: 

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